Sunday, December 13, 2009

Let the Yuletide Yowling begin

What cat doesn't love a giant empty box in the middle of the living room ? ? ? Scruffy has to be in the box during the entire set-up of the Christmas tree. As soon as the box is taken upstairs and he discovers the tree sitting in the corner, he crawls under it and stands looking at the wall and the yowling begins. He usually isn't a yowler and this corner always has big plants in it so it isn't someplace we have taken away from him so this behavior is just so mysterious to us. He doesn't play with the ornaments or climb the tree - he just stands under it and yowls. It is so funny.


Blogger Our son Kade said...

I love these pictures, he is so funny about the tree. hehe

11:55 PM  

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