Thursday, December 14, 2006

Congratulations and Good Luck!

First of all--join me in a big shout out of congratulations to Nicole. Today is her last day of student teaching, which means one thing...SHE IS A COLLEGE GRADUATE! Way to go, Nicole. We are all so proud of you and happy for you. It has taken years of hard work and dedication to get to this point. Good work! She will be walking in the graduation ceremony in April, so that we won't have to make that big trip up there in December.

Secondly, let's send some positive vibes to Paul and Julia who are in the midst of finals. Julia completed her college chemistry class final last week and starts on her high school finals on Friday. She will finish up on Tuesday of next week. Paul is in the midst of his. Both would be grateful for your prayers and positive thoughts, I'm sure. Paul is also working lots of extra hours at the bakery. They are basically working round the clock between now and Christmas Eve, baking up lots of breads and goodies for Christmas gift baskets. So, he's covering his regular early morning shifts, but also some evening shifts. Nicole is even going in to work a few shifts to help out. We hope that everyone's holiday plans and activities are moving forward as we head towards Christmas. You are all in our thoughts.

Love, Earlene


Blogger jed-laura said...


Nicole, we are so happy for you! I bet you are both sick of baking bread by now. I can't wait to see you both soon!! Lots of love and prayers are going your way.

Julia- Good luck on your finals! You will do awesome, I know it. I don't envy your chemistry final... I was not the best at chemistry though, it was a struggle for me to get really interested in it when my teacher was a buffoon! No. really!

Paul- Someday, you will look back on school, and realize it's all over. No more finals. (that's the best part of being graduated- ask Nicole next finals week) Until then, carry on. You are a great student, and I'm sure you are doing well in your classes. We love you tons!!!

12:13 PM  

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