Friday, December 15, 2006

Another office holiday party

So this is my first party at my new job, as well as my first holiday party here. I know a little bit about what will happen because I had to approve the budget and because the party organizer reports to me. But I find myself surprisingly anxious.

Office hoiday parties are such strange beasts--the point is to recognize the season with the people you spend most your waking life with. Like any family, there are usually traditions and customs, spoken and unspoken. An currents and eddies waiting to turn into whirlpools. And then layered on top of that is all the usual political complexities of office life swirling about, adding to the complexity. It's actually amazing anyone ever manages to have fun at these things. . .

And if you don't drink, sometimes they seem REALLY long. The people you least like in the office are not usually improved by that third glass of wine or beer. . .

And I am worried about eating way too much.

So here's my plan: spend time talking to each of my colleagues and to the three or four people I know I really like. Only let myself eat one cookie per hour.
Don't feel a need to talk to much--ask others questions instead. Enjoy the silly gift exchange. Once the dancing starts, dance a LOT. Be sure to leave at 5:15 so that I can make it to my painting retreat starting at 6. Now, if I just didn't feel like I was fighting off a virus.

I am glad to have this place to share.

Love, Sandra


Blogger jed-laura said...

Have fun at the office party.

I had heard so many horror stories about office parties that I was a little anxious about ours this year. The worrying was all for naught, because it was a perfectly harmless, actually enjoyable time. We ate out at a nice steakhouse, and instead of doing a silly gift exchange, the company provided cool gifts and gift cards for us to choose from. It was fun. Part of that is probably because we have only 8 employees in our studio, and we all get along well ...considering that we have a republican catholic, a jewish democrat, an independent atheist, an man who is a gay alternative budhist, three strange mormons :) and a conservative evangelical christian in our office, it is suprising we get along so well, and that we found things to talk about all night :)

Have a good time at your party.-

2:34 PM  
Blogger jed-laura said...

Thanks Jed. Actually, this one was reasonably fun too. Except my plan for dancing didn't really work out.

It's one of the things i like about working in offices instead of for myself--you get to know people you would never get to know in the rest of your life, and that broadens your understanding and your tolerance, I think.

Have a great weekend! Sandra

5:08 PM  
Blogger The Rhiens said...

I hope it turned out to be a postivie experience. We went to one with Scott's co-workers last night...relatively painless. And lots of YUMMMY food.

Love, Earlene

1:25 PM  
Blogger jed-laura said...

I made it out to two partys and a a better time tha I usually do. One at the senior center and they had a Jazz groupe I love and the food was excellent.the next one was a ward Christmas party in the afternoon with all the children but the children actually behaved great.
My best thing was saying NO! to my friends party . He just puts too many people 23 in one room and I can't stand it.This year he invited 53 people.8 of the people are brothers and sisters and you need a score card to knkow dwho is talking to who. So I get elf points for sayin NO!!. Love Mother ,grandma Marilyn

8:35 PM  

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