Five Years

We've been married five years. The funny thing was, I've been thinking it was our sixth. To think I was saying we've been married five years for at least six months now! (: So we are having our second fifth anneversary.
So we have a lot of fun stories, but I thought I would put up the day Jed told me he loved me. We just came back from a trip to Utah. Jed went and saw a play at BYU with his roommates. The lead had pretty gold brown hair (so I heard). Well, let me back up a bit first. We weren't really dating yet. I think we both wanted him to get back into the dating game and normal life before we dated, but we still really liked each other. I actually loved him, and he me (but we didn't say anything). So Jed's attempt to keep things slow, and keep staying simple friends was to stay casual and talk like we weren't an item. So he would tell me about his date the night before, or joke about finding his future wife in some choir class. Which would have been totally fine, except it made crazy jealous, and caused me to think if I was losing my chance with him.
Now back to the story, the one with the pretty gold-brown-haired woman. Jed was telling me all about the play and mentioned that he always thought he'd marry someone with that color hair. Well, my hair isn't brown, or at least it wasn't at the time. It was more red, strawberry blond; and I knew that was how Jed described my hair color. So I hit an all-time upset. I went home, vented to my cousin. Then Jed said I left a pair of shoes in his car, so I went other there to pick them up. Of course I could hide that I was livid, thought I tried. I was too quiet, and walking too fast, and had too little of a smile for Jed to think I was my usual self.
Jed inquired, and I tried to say it was nothing, but this guy can read me like a book. So what does a girl say? I can't say, "Oh, You're HOT. I'm in love with you, and I haven't even told you I was in-like with you. You're wonderful and I don't have gold-brown hair! It's only been two months, and I feel like I've been keeping quiet for years (well, I guess I sort of did, since he was on a mission before). I just want to disappear, but you are in my one class I have every day, so I HAVE to see you, and every time I see you I want to say I love you, but I can't. ugh." Of course I didn't say anything near that! I really probably sounded stupid.
I stumbled around saying something like, "I'm really sorry, I'm being childish; but could you just refrain from telling me about girls with beautiful brown hair, and your dates; I know we are just friends and all, but I get jealous. Ok, can I go home?"
Jed, being the sweet person that he is, almost laughed. I'm sure he thought it was something much worse. He smiled and said that I couldn't go home yet. We went on a walk. He proceeded to tell me why he's talking like that, and that he loved me. It was all very romantic. That night he held my hand for the first time. We walked a long way and accidentally ended up in our spot that we had before his mission. I never felt like that when holding anyone's hand before. I still get butterflies when I hold his hand. Cheesy, I know. (:
What Jed didn't know at the time, was I was pretty sure I wanted to marry him that night, but I never told him that until after we were married! (:
Congrats! Congrats! Congrats!
Love you guys both!
Totally Cute Laura! I love it :) Bree
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