Friday, December 21, 2007

A little holiday diversion

Scott got off a little early this afternoon so we decided to take the rest of the afternoon off for a little serendipitous holiday diversion. We went to see the movie, National Treasure:Book of Secrets. Whether or not you would enjoy it probably depends on what you thought of the first National Treasure movie. We found both to be great fun. Far fetched and unbelievable, but fun. Fairly cheesy and predicatable,but fun. So, if you liked the first one, take some time off during the holidays and enjoy #2.

Here is a link to the trailer, if you are interested.

Do any of the rest of you go to the movies over the holidays? What other movies do you plan to take in during this holiday break?

Julia and I also watched the video, Elf, last night. I have to admit falling asleep about 1/2 of the way through. I don't do so well with at home movies after about 8:00 PM. I just get too comfy and ...zzzzzzz.

We had a little snow today and that was exciting, although none of it stuck to the ground. The winds that followed were SO chilly. BRRR!

Love, Earlene


Blogger Laura said...

I want to see that movie- but since it costs 9 dollars a person here (we have no matinee showings...) I'm sure we'll wait until it's in video most likely.

We may go see enchanted, although it may be a little much for Alli, I'm not sure.

Love you guys.


8:08 PM  
Blogger Grandma Marilyn said...

I saw "Elizabeth" . I thought "how can they have anything new to say about her" but my friend and i loved it. I plan on seeing Enchanted. Iget matinneesand pat only 4 dollars

9:18 PM  
Blogger Our son Kade said...

I'd love to see the second national treasure movie, but I don't think it will be here for a few more weeks yet. But I definitely want to see it. I don't know what will be playing here, but it would be fun to go see a movie while Justin has some time off. Thanks for the idea! Love you. Alicia

9:58 PM  
Blogger Sandra said...

Report on Walk Hard. It was REALLY funny, at least if you are a boomer who always followed the music. But there's frontal nudity, swearing, and copious drug use (though all in the service of laughs), so it might not be the best family movie.

Still hoping for charlie wilson's war.

Love, S

10:50 AM  

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